Mia Halabi, above, was only months old when her parents noticed something was wrong.

Sydni Yunek, in the next photo, was four.

In October 2013, both families, along with hundreds more to come, moved to Colorado Springs from across the country in search of a miracle drug: medical marijuana. The two children suffered hundreds of seizures a day and doctors had warned that they could die. When their parents saw a Youtube video of kids with epilepsy being cured by a new strain of cannabis, Charlotte’s Web, they knew they had to get it to their children to do something to save them. But because of federal drug laws, they could only get the cannabis oil in Colorado, and once they were here, they were stuck. They couldn’t buy it anywhere else, and they couldn’t bring it with them across state lines. They call themselves marijuana refugees. 

To read more about the families moving for medical marijuana, click here.

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